Я говорила вам, что мы определились с датой свадьбы?
Предварительная дата - 5 августа. Это пятница. Хотя возможно перенесём всё же на воскресенье, но пока установили такую дату.
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Like a thunderstorm on a summerday
She came out of nowhere and I can say
She's a supernova shining through the night
And never sleeping satelight
She's a damn good reason for the sun to rise
When you see her smile in the morninglight
And when she cries, she cries a wishing well
Played hide and seek with the hounds of hell
She throws you down to take you high
into her privatesky
She's so beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,
magical, mystical, irresistible, cosmical
a wonderfull overkill but most of all beautiful